GPS TechTracker

If a user gets access to a resource, they can view and use its contents (geofences, jobs, notifications, drivers, report templates, and so on) for tracking purposes as well as create such objects in this resource in the main interface of GPS TechTRacker.

If a resource is also an account, the advanced access rights (such as adding payments, restricting services and determining their cost, and so on) are applied to it. Such operations are possible only in the CMS Manager interface.

Standard Rights

The following standard (Item ACL) rights can be applied to resources/accounts:

  • View item and its basic properties
    Allows to see whether system objects such as units, users, unit groups belong to this account. It is usually written on the first tab of their properties dialog.
  • View detailed item properties
    Applicable to accounts only. The second and third sections of the account properties dialog become visible as well as the ServicesRestrictions, and Advanced tabs. If the end user is given this right to their account, the Account tab will appear in the user settings which allows to view the current balance of the account, information on used and available services, etc.
  • Delete item
    Allows to delete the resource with all its contents. However, to delete an account, you should additionally check the Manage account box.
  • Query reports or messages
    For resources, this check box allows to generate the Log table and see how different users created, edited and deleted the contents of the resource (the Manage item log checkbox is required). It also allows the user to generate reports on drivers and trailers, as well as driver and trailer groups if they belong to this resource. For accounts, this check box gives permission to see the Statistics tab (the history of payments and withdrawals) but only if you check the View detailed item properties box, too. The similar sub-tab appears on the Account tab of the account properties dialog.
  • Edit not mentioned properties
    Allows to edit the FTP-server settings on the Advanced tab of the account.

Standard access rights Manage access to this itemRename itemView custom fieldsEdit custom fieldsView admin fieldsEdit admin fieldsManage item logView and download filesUpload and delete files work for resources/accounts as described above.

Such checkboxes as Change icon and Edit ACL propagated items do not affect resources or accounts at all.

Special Rights

The following special rights can be applied to resources/accounts:

Resource ACL
View geofencesAllows to view the geofences created within a resource.
Create, edit, and delete geofencesAllows to edit and delete the geofences of this resource, as well as create new ones.
View jobsAllows to view jobs created within a resource.
Create, edit, and delete jobsAllows to edit and delete the jobs of this resource, as well as create new ones.
View notificationsAllows to view notifications created within a resource.
Create, edit, and delete notificationsAllows to edit and delete the notifications of this resource, as well as create new ones.
View driversAllows to view drivers and driver groups of a resource. In addition, it allows to view the automatic binding list of the drivers.
Create, edit, and delete driversAllows to edit and delete the drivers and driver groups of this resource, as well as create new ones. Moreover, it allows to create and edit the automatic binding list of the drivers.
View passengersAllows to view passengers created within a resource. In addition, it allows to view the automatic binding list of the passengers.
Create, edit, and delete passengersAllows to edit and delete the passengers of this resource, as well as create new ones. Additionally, it allows to create and edit the automatic binding list of the passengers.
View trailersAllows to view trailers and trailer groups created within the resource. Moreover, it allows to view the automatic binding list of the trailers.
Create, edit, and delete trailersAllows to edit and delete the trailers and trailer groups of this resource, as well as create new ones. In addition, it allows to create and edit the automatic binding list of the trailers.
View report templatesAllows to view report templates created within a resource.
Create, edit, and delete report templatesAllows to edit and delete the report templates of this resource, as well as create new ones.
Manage accountFor accounts only. Combined with the Delete item checkbox, it allows to completely delete the account from the system, together with the resource and its contents, account creator and all objects created by this user. In combination with the View detailed item properties checkbox, it gives permission to control the billing plan and payment (the General tab), number and cost of services (the Services tab), and some other parameters (the Restrictions tab).
View ordersAllows to view orders created within a resource.
Create, edit, and delete ordersAllows to edit and delete orders of this resource, as well as create new ones.

:!: Note.
In the main Wialon interface, only manipulations with inner resource contents are possible (i.e. geofences, notifications, report templates, drivers, etc.), including the permission to see the log of content changes. The account-related activities (such as payment control, tariffication, etc.) can be performed only in the CMS Manager interface.